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Hide Extensions  (Ctrl+Shift+E)  -  Hides or shows the 'Extensions' panel. Useful with very long text lines, or a small screen.

Hide Tools  (Ctrl+Shift+T)  -  Hides or shows the 'Tools' panel. Useful to see more lines in a list when using a small screen.

Hide Line Numbers  (Ctrl+Shift+L)  -  Hides or shows the 'Line Numbers' margin. You can still use 'Ctrl+G' to jump to a line whilst the 'Line Numbers' margin is hidden.

Hide Formatting  (Ctrl+Shift+F)  -  Hides or shows the brackets + internal bracket-text coloring feature.

Hide Whitespace  (Ctrl+Shift+W)  -  Hides or shows the whitespace (tabs + spaces) coloring and highlighting.


Note that Formatting and WhiteSpace-Coloring are turned off by default as they take up too much processing time and slow everything down.

You can turn them on at any time in the 'View' Menu, but this is not recommended for files with > 10,000 lines unless your computer is very fast.