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How to Split a List into Smaller Files


A very long list can be troublesome to work with or navigate, especially if your computer is rather slow to respond. You may thus find it useful to split large files into smaller sections (called 'Clip Files') that can be worked on individually, then reassemble the list from these smaller sections at a later date. Alternatively, you might also find it useful to have a number of different versions of a section of your list, then choose which version to use when assembling a larger list. Either way, the use of Clip Files can be very handy. The Tab-List Tools program provides two methods to split a large file into Clip Files: using Bookmarks or using Hierarchy.


To split a file with Bookmarks, simply add a Bookmark on every line that you wish to be at the start of a file-section. Bookmarks are added or removed by clicking the Bookmarks Margin, to the right of the Line Numbers. You might like to click 'Tools > Bookmarks' and Step through your Bookmarks before splitting ypur page, to ensure that the Bookmarks are all where you want them to be. When you are ready, click the 'Tools > Bookmarks > Split File by Bookmarks > Split into Clip-Files' button. Browse for a folder where you wish to store your Clip Files, or Make a New Folder with the button at the bottom of the 'Browse For Folder' dialog. A popup window will tell you that the files have been saved. The filenames are allocated automatically with a current date/time prefix.


To split a file with Hierarchy, click 'Tools > Hierarchy > Status Check' to place markers on the first level of hierarchy. Add more levels of hierarchy if you wish. Step through your Markers before splitting, to ensure that they are all where you want them to be. When you are ready, click the 'Tools > Hierarchy > Split File by Hierarchy > Split into Clip-Files' button. Browse for a folder where you wish to store your Clip Files, or Make a New Folder with the button at the bottom of the 'Browse For Folder' dialog. A popup window will tell you that the files have been saved. The filenames are allocated automatically with a current date/time prefix.