How to purchase your Keyword List

There are currently 119 different versions of the Keyword Catalog. They have each been personalised to suit the requirements of the user. The main differences are:
- Geographical Entities - the types of Geographical Information included is specified below, next to each entry. All versions contain a list of world countries, then may contain various states, provinces, and populated places as appropriate.
- American-English and British-English spellings - dependent on the area that the list covers, one is chosen as the primary language, and the other is used as a synonym. There are currently
500 separate US/UK english word-pairs that get updated each time the lists are built.
- Historic Sites - uniquely tailored to your locality, and may contain lists of historic sites, memorials, monuments, battlegrounds, and national cemeteries.
- Natural Sites - uniquely tailored to your locality, and may contain lists of national forests, parks, lakes, preserves, recreation areas, seashores and wilderness areas.
- Local Wildlife - lists of Birds, Mammals, Trees, and Wildflowers that live and grow in the area that the list defines.
- National Festivals & Public Holidays - lists the important annual holidays and events that occur in the area that the list defines.
- Regional Names - world regions, plus the important geographical regions that occur in the area that the list defines.
See the Versions page for more information, or choose a list below to see full details.
The Keyword List is licensed per individual, which means that you can use it on as many of your own computers as you like, but you can't give, sell, or loan it to someone else. You are welcome to use the Keyword List commercially, but each user in the company needs their own License. Click here to view the full License.
Cost per license (Personal or Business): 49.00 USD, which includes 1 year of free updates from your date of purchase.
Subsequent updates will cost 10.00 USD per year, if you want them. Updates are NOT essential to your usage of the list, but you might find them useful. The current version of the list is 3.01.
You can pay with any major credit card, and you do not need a PayPal account to make a purchase. Once payment has completed, you will then be able to download the Keyword Catalog.
IMPORTANT: Once payment has completed, you will have 24 hours from that moment to download your catalog. After that, the link will expire. You are also allowed a maximum of 3 attempts during that time-period to download your catalog.
If these limitations cause you problems, or if you have any questions or comments, please Contact Me. I can also accept international SWIFT payments and SEPA transfers in EUR, local bank transfers in GBP, and ACH and domestic wire payments sent from within the United States in USD - Contact Me to arrange this.
To purchase your Keyword List...
Do you need a version for a country that is not listed above? If so, please Contact Me and I will try to help you. The cost per license is still the same: 49.00 USD. Countries not listed above, if available, will include states/provinces and populated places for that country, plus all world countries, appropriate plants and wildlife, plus a general list of important world festivals and public holidays. They will not contain local lists of historic or natural sites, those these may be added later.
Do you need a special version with some mix of the above entries (example: Alabama + Florida + Georgia), or one of the above with extra countries added (example: England + Wales + France)? If you want multiple countries or states, I add on a small amount to cover the extra work involved creating a custom list: 5.00 USD for 1 or 2 extra countries or states, or 10.00 USD for 3 or 4 extra countries or states, and 15.00 USD for 5 or 6 extra countries or states.
As an example, here are some of the 'Special Orders' that I have recently built:
- Continent-Country + Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru
- US States and Cities + Full list for Illinois
- US States and Cities + England and Ireland
- US States and Cities + World States
- US States and Cities + Full list for MA, NJ, NY, PA WA
Don't be afraid to ask for Special Orders!!